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Meditation for the Heart

Within each of us there is a center of wisdom far greater and deeper than we are aware of. Often times, we forget that this center requires coming back to, so that we can recharge and magnify our understanding of life.

This center is our HEART.

EAR sits right in the middle of the word HEART. It is to tell us that listening to our Heart is what is important when it comes to connecting to our center. Because our Heart has all the answers we are searching for, and that it is up to us to find it within us.

The struggle always happen between our heart and our mind. What you think may be far different than what your heart feels. The mind tends to sweat the small-stuff: the habits, the wants, the should-haves, the what-ifs, the how come. Yet the heart is the contrary, as it focuses on the big picture: the understanding, the acceptance, the flow, the feelings, the why nots, the here and now, and most of all, LOVE.

For most adults, to go from the mind to the heart take years and years of practice. But for children, they live instinctively from their heart.

There is so much we can learn from our children. Whether you are a parent or not, think about your child, or when you were a child. Children's heart are big, strong, spirited and loving. They don't have all these prerequisites like we adults carry on our shoulders. They are spontaneous, energetic, inquisitive, and always living in the moment. They crave hugs, kisses, story time, play time, affection, love and being. Their mind & their heart are connected as one. And when they say "I love you.", you know those words are not only words, but it is the truth that is spoken directly to your heart from theirs.

As adults, the distance between our minds and hearts can sometimes be great. This distance creates a space that can be unattainable. Yet our Soul always leads us back to our Heart. It is always trying to tell you to go back, as it is in the Heart where true Healing begins. In the past, I find myself moving to and fro, traveling in between inflictions, while torn from distant traumas & haunting memories. Yet one of the biggest lessons my heart taught me is that the past will never change. But the past will always stay there at it's own place. And because the past is no longer here with me, I learn to respect it and let it go. I learned that the past belongs to the past, and I should let it stay there. And I learned also to thank my past, because if it wasn't for my past, I will not be who I am today. The most important thing I can do is to focus on the present. As present is a gift. That is why it is called a Present. The gift is for me to take action on what I can do today, that can change the course of my future. I can always begin each day to listen to my heart intently and live from the center of it. Because my heart is an anchor where my inner-child resides. It is where forgiveness lies, and that no matter what I have been through, it always know how to heal itself and bring me back to who I am.

My past has shaped me on my pathway and calling in becoming an Arts Therapist. Beyond the therapeutic techniques & theories, my ultimate goal as a therapist is to help my clients to realize & learn to live from their Heart. And I knew if I wanted to be a good therapist, the first thing I need to do is to open my heart & live from it. As it takes a heart to know another heart, this heart-to-heart connection is fundamental to my therapeutic practice. Even though sometimes it may take time to build that connection, yet I always believe in my clients. I have faith that their heart is waiting to be opened, and I always believe their heart contains the most amazing wisdom, strength, and spirit that is just waiting for them to discover. There is no coincidences in life, only timing & synchronicity. The heart knows what the heart needs. When the time is right, every single thing in your life will point you to the right direction. And if you listen closely, the signs and the energy of life will gravitate you towards the truth. It is always up to us to take that seemingly impossible first step. Yet it is also that first step that can create a completely different future for us.

I will end this article with a beautiful excerpt from the book Journey to the Heart: Daily Meditations on the Path to Freeing your Soul by Melodie Beattie. I hope this excerpt will give you the inspiration to begin listening to your Heart and to live from it:

Trust your Heart

For so long, you relied on your head. Now it's time to make the shift - the great leap into your heart.

Are you beginning to see how your head gets in the way? How it creates so much noise? The chatter, the limited vision, the fear? Are you beginning to see how what you've relied on - your intellect, your assessments, and sometimes your logic - has complicated your life?

It isn't the head that sees clearly, nor does the head always see with love. Often, it sees with eyes of fear. The heart sees clearly. It balances the mind and emotions. It takes what's real and process it into the truth, then into action. It takes into account all that needs to be done, then draws a map, an itinerary, for how to accomplish that. Yes, you say, but my head does that too. And then I don't need to feel...

Your heart can do it better because it maps the way in love.

Learn to listen to your inner voice. Listen to your heart. It's your connection to God, to people, to the universe, and to yourself.

Blessings, love & peace,


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